Cell Guidance Systems is very pleased to announce its presence at the ISSCR Annual Meeting.
The meeting will be in Los Angeles, 26-29 June 2019. Register here.
We will be presenting the PODS® technology - a novel sustained release growth factor technology for improved quality in stem cells differentiation and organoid culture.
Interested? Come and talk to us!
Booth: 1122
Presentation: Book the presentation on your ISSCR calendar.
Thursday, 27 June, 8:00 am - 8:30 am, room 408 B
Presented by Dr Christian Pernstich, Research Director at Cell Guidance Systems
A novel sustained release growth factor technology for improved quality in stem cell differentiation and organoid culture.
Poster Session:
W-4069, Poster I - Odd, Wednesday, 26 June, 6.30 pm
Exosomes: a new biomarker for neurodegenerative diseases.
T-4040, Poster II – Even, Thursday, 27 June, 7 pm
In vivo complete regeneration of bone defects using PODS® crystals, a localized and sustained release technology.