Growth Factors
Why select our products?
- Origin: Our growth factors are manufactured by ourselves in the UK, or in the USA.
- Formulation choice: Only Cell Guidance Systems offers Super-Dry sustained-release PODS formulation.
- Quality control: our growth factors are qualitatively and functionally tested. All the products have established acceptance criteria for biological assays, purity, and endotoxin levels.
- Bulk manufacturing: we manufacture our own proteins in our own laboratories in Cambridge, UK and we have the capability to scale up production to meet your needs.
- Documentation: you can request a certificate of analysis (CoA) for a specific lot before you buy it, where you will find specific ED50 (instead of “pass” or “fail”) and activity values for the functional biological assay. This way, you know exactly what you are buying. See an example and request your lot-specific CoA here.
- Range: our catalogue includes a wide range of human, mouse, and rat recombinant proteins.
- Value: our products are frequently benchmarked against leading brands. Request a personalized quote to receive a discount on your multi-product and bulk orders.
- Animal-Free: option produced without animal-derived materials. All processing and handling employ animal-free equipment and animal-free protocols.