Cell Guidance Systems is very pleased to announce its presence at the FSEV Congress.

The meeting will be in Nantes, France, 14-15 October 2019. Register here.


We will be presenting our complete range of solutions for exosome isolation and characterization!


Interested? Come and talk to us!

Purification of high-quality exosomes using Exo-spin™ from Cell Guidance Systems: A novel application overview and new product announcement

Time: Monday, 14 October, 14:40

Speakers: Julia Milliex, Field Application Specialist & Sanj Kumar, Commercial Director at Cell Guidance Systems
Keywords: size exclusion chromatography, exosome isolation, samples cleaning, multiple sclerosis, CSF

Introducing the new Exo-spin™ mini-HD column – a reliable method for isolating high-quality exosomes


Learn more about our range of products and services in our Exosome Experts page > here.

Download our exosome experts brochure: purification, detection, tracking, and NTA service.pdf


Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about our presence at FSEV 2019.