Code Description Price Qty
SM39-2 IWP-2, 2 mg $62.00
SM39-10 IWP-2, 10 mg $180.00
SM39-50 IWP-2, 50 mg $624.00
SM39-100 IWP-2, 100 mg $1,153.00

Exact Amount™

The mg quantity of material provided in the smallest pack size for this product is specified on the vial label to two decimal places. This reduces concentration variation and ensures reproducibility in your experiments.


IWP-2 is an inhibitor of Wnt processing and secretion. It appears that IWP inactivates Porcn function either by directly inhibiting the Porcn active site or by modulating the function of a Porcn regulator.


IWP-2 promotes cardiomyocyte differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC). This small molecule also suppresses self-renewal in mouse embryonic stem cells and supports their conversion to epiblast-like stem cells.

Alternative Names

Inhibitor of WNT Production-2



1. ten Berge, D., et al. 2011. Nat Cell Biol. 13(9): 1070-1075. PMID: 21841791

2. Chen, B., et al. 2009. Nat Chem Biol. 5(2): 100-107. PMID: 19125156

Product Details
Formula C22H18N4O2S3
Molecular Weight 466.6
CAS Number 686770-61-6
Purity >98%
Solubility DMSO
Stability and Storage Stable at -20°C. Keep away from direct sunlight.